Hiking tour Struffeltroute from the air, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH/D. Ketz
  • Distance: 9.7 km
  • Duration: 3:0 h
  • Difficulty: easy



The dramatic barren outcrop of Struffeltkopf lends its name to this varied hike between Rott and Roetgen. The route passes through a variety of landscapes around the Dreilägerbach dam and through the Struffelt conservation area with its upland moors, a home and habitat to many different species. Keen hikers will be rewarded along the way with stunning views and spectacular flora and fauna. Keep your eyes open: Along the route you’ll spot plenty of the fountain grass that’s typically found throughout Struffelt: a distinctive sight with its long stalks and fluffy ears.


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Marking of the tour:

  • Trail markings for the Struffelroute hiking trail
gpx: gpx-partner-path-of-the-eifelsteig-struffeltroute

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More information about this route

Start: Parking Filterwerk Roetgen

Destination: Parking Filterwerk Roetgen

Distance: 9.7 km

Duration: 3:0 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 206 m

Descent: 206 m


Filterwerk 1
52159 Roetgen
Phone: +49 6551 96560

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