Blick über Trier - Weisshaus, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
  • Distance: 17 km
  • Duration: 5:15 h
  • Difficulty: medium

Eifelsteig Stage 15


The fifteenth Eifelsteig stage starts in Kordel, the destination is Trier.
Today, your hike along the Eifelsteig starts in the little village of Kordel in the valley of the Kyll. Today will be exciting: rocky caves and even suspension bridges await you - as well as the destination of course: the Roman city of Trier!
Along the first few steps, you hike through the picturesque Kylltal valley, accompanied by the gentle bubbling of the little river, getting your day off to a good start. Then it becomes rockier; a stream winds its way through the valley stone by stone and even becomes a little waterfall at times. Around you unspoilt nature and wild greenery; you feel like you are on an expedition. You ask yourself: how do I get to the other side of the stream? Then you discover the broad stones, which you can use to cross the water while keeping your feet dry. And not just that. Suspension bridges also span the glittering waters here in the Butzerbachtal valley. Do they wobble? Just a little bit, but the ground is within view; you can cross with ease and have great fun in the process. (Note: The section through the Butzerbach valley is closed. A detour is signposted) After the wild, romantic valley, you notice a strange building: it looks like a small mine in the middle of the natural surroundings. In fact, it is a Roman mine called the "Pützlöcher". The door to the mine is sometimes open and, if you dare, you can look around the old passageways and be transported back to ancient times. You hike on through the rocky landscape and discover a window in one of the rocks! Can it be? Yes. Behind it in the bright sandstone is the Klausenhöhle cave, which was once home to the hermits. If you would like, you can climb down into the cave using a ladder. And then you come to it: A mighty, brightly coloured cliff with carved-out steps. You become curious and climb it step by step until you reach the top, surrounded by rocks, and a whole new perspective on the surroundings opens up. This is the view from the Genovevahöhle cave, where you feel both small and elevated at the same time. You use the impressive atmosphere to take a small break, then off you go again. After the dramatic rocky landscape, a more relaxed section leads through the Biewertal valley. But where there is a valley, there is an uphill climb - and it’s worth it. A narrow rocky path leads up over the Mosel through the almost Mediterranean surroundings. The scent of warm pine rises and you already sense that Trier is not too far away. You can already make out the first monumental structure; the Roman bridge over the Mosel and the so-called basilica (a Roman hall church) rises above the cityscape. The closer you get to the destination, the prouder you become. You have successfully completed the stage - and perhaps even the 313 kilometre Eifelsteig! Fifteen stages through the entire Eifel. But you feel as if your hiking break lasted for much longer.

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  • Wegmarkierung Eifelsteig
gpx: Eifelsteig-Etappe-15-Kordel-Trier

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Along the route

Pützlöcher – Roman Quarry

Pützlöscher, © Deutsch-Luxemburgische Tourist-Information
The Roman mine is one of the largest and oldest Roman mines in Germany. Details ansehen

Genoveva cave

Die Genovevahöhle, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
The Genovevahöhle ( cave) is located south of Kordel in the beautiful Kyll Valley. Details ansehen

Cave Klausen

Die Klausenhöhle, © Deutsch-Luxemburgische Tourist-Information
Visit the Klausenhöhle ( cave) on the Premium hiking trail ``Römerpfad`` and let the past come back to life. According to legends, a hermit lived in the cave in the 18th century. Details ansehen

Eifelsteig Stage 14

Aussichtsturm bei Rodt, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
The stage 14 of the Eifelsteig leads from Bruch to Kordel. Details ansehen

Nells Park Hotel

Außenansicht Nells Park
The privately run Park Hotel is fantastically situated in the middle of Trier's most beautiful park, with its old trees and rose garden, only 5 minutes away from the Porta Nigra/city. Details ansehen
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More information about this route

Start: Kordel

Destination: Trier, Parking Weisshaus (+2,5 km to citycentre Trier)

Distance: 17 km

Duration: 5:15 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 683 m

Descent: 616 m

Eifel Tourismus GmbH

Kalvarienbergstraße 1
54595 Prüm
Phone: +49 6551 96560

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